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The Truths Walker Journey- The UN-Becoming of who you are not cover

Free your BE-ing from expectations, approval, definitions, circumstances, and thoughts that don’t align with who you are. 

It’s YOUR life!

“You are beyond change and beyond the illusions created by culture or society. Money, achievements or marital status do not determine your worth. Your worth is also not determined by opinions, expectations, circumstances, words, thoughts and actions that don’t align with who you are. These external constructs do not define you. You are not a commodity to be bought and sold, sometimes valuable and sometimes valueless. You are a powerful BE-ing of Light.” ~ Haseena

This is the time for the Truth-Walker.  Our world is desperate for a shift.

Collectively we’re yearning for evolution and individually there is a need for finding personal truth.
Seekers are people like you and me – we feel called to live the naked truth of everything we are, and we want to make a difference doing it.

It is time to DEFY the Defining!

Dear Reader...

I was shamed for many things in my life because I didn’t fit into the box – not conforming to expected social, cultural, religious and gender norms; feeling there was a path that felt better to me. BE-ing with that feeling, I opened the door a crack – a smidgeon enough to know that somewhere deep inside I was backing myself. At other times I thought there must be something wrong with me, a missing piece…because the whole world couldn’t be wrong. But I had opened the door to my own credibility. My story starts from there.

I’m telling you this because if you know there is a different path for you, it isn’t wrong. It’s just different, and it’s yours. So open the door a crack – enough to know the possibility of your credibility. That tiny crack is all you need. Your trust in self will grow at its own pace. When you’re ready, you’ll fling open the door and walk out, feeling the wind in your hair and the solid ground beneath your bare feet. The path will call to you and you’ll know that it is yours. You will walk your truth boldly. Its power and Light will inspire the awakened ones around you. So, open the door a crack. Feel the freedom of possibility whispering your name with reverence.  ~ Haseena

About the Book:

In a world where everyone seems to be striving to “become” something or someone, The Truth-Walker’s Journey brings the wisdom that the ultimate “becoming” is UN-Becoming who you are not.

How do you navigate life amidst personal freedom restrictions, political upheavals, economic insecurity, chaos and constant change – at a time when there is a need for claiming personal sovereignty and engaging in self-empowering leadership?

What if you could live every moment being comfortable in your own skin, confident in who you are, and creating your life according to your own truth?

Haseena takes you on a journey to come back to who you are, show up for yourself, heal to your next level, and inspire collective change in our world. This is a book for seekers. Your adventure begins here.

** When you’ve purchased your book, reach out to me – I’d love to keep in touch, hear your wisdom, answer your questions, and know what spoke to you about The Truth-Walker’s Journey.

The Truths Walker Journey- The UN-Becoming of who you are not cover
The Truth-Walker's Journey:4 week adventure. The bok The Truth-Walker's Journey in front of a tree background with a sunset

Starting Aug 11th, 2023

Are you looking for a next personal step on your Truth-Walker’s Journey?

Learn more about how you can dive into the 4-Week Adventure to:

  • Live your mission
  • Love your work
  • Step into your leadership
  • UN-limit your potential

An interactive opportunity to take a Truth-Walker’s Journey of your own, in a supportive community space. 

“By working on self we’re working on the world.  In honouring our deepest truths, we honour who we are, and the ripple effect of this shapes our collective BE-ing.” ~ Haseena Patel

Meet Haseena Patel

Haseena Patel is a healing breakthrough coach from South Africa, and creator of the UN-Becoming Process. She works with individuals and organisations globally through her Healing Breakthrough University, teaching practices that support healing to one’s next level. Haseena is co-founder of Leave No Girl Behind International, a non-profit that empowers girls worldwide through leadership programs, using Truth-Walker wisdom.

Haseena Patel

How do we change our limiting beliefs about ourselves, our abilities and the rules we believe we have to live by? We start by questioning the foundation of our beliefs – the rules we thought applied to us. We start with the very first brick – when that crumbles, the bastions of our self-imposed limitations follow suit.

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